Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic life style disease in which a person has high blood sugar level, either because the pancreas does not produce insulin or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. It can also be referred to as the condition in which the body does not properly process food for use as energy. It is also known as high blood glucose. There are three main types of diabetes; Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes.   
Type 1 diabetes: It is usually caused by an auto-immune reaction where the body’s defense system attacks the cells that produce insulin. People with this type of diabetes produce very little or no insulin.
Type 2 diabetes: It is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.  The diabetes of type 2 diabetes can occur at any age.
Gestational diabetes: It is a form of diabetes consisting of high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. 


What causes diabetes varies with the different types that we have.

Type 1
·  Viral or bacterial infection
·  Chemical toxins within food
· Unidentified component causing auto-immune reaction.
Type 2
·   Obesity
·   Living a sedentary lifestyle 
·   Increasing age
·   Improper dietary
·   Family history of gestational diabetes
·   Over-weight or obese


·         Excessive thirst and appetite
·         Increased urination
·         Unusual weight loss or gain
·         Fatigue
·         Nausea, perhaps vomiting

·     Blurred vision
·     Yeast infections
·     Dry mouth
·     Slow-healing sores or cuts
·     Itching skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area 
·     In women, frequent vaginal infections


The complications of diabetes are less common and severe in people who have well-controlled blood sugar levels. Factors as smoking, elevated cholesterol levels, obesity, high blood pressure, and lack of regular exercise adds to the risk facts. The complications can be acute or Chronic as:

Acute Complications:

·         Diabetic ketoacidosis
·         Hypoglycemia
·         Diabetic coma
·         Respiratory infections
·         Periodontal disease

Chronic complications:

·        Diabetic cardiomyopathy, damage to the heart lading to heart failure.
·        Diabetic nephropathy, damage to the kidney which can lead to chronic renal failure.
·   Diabetic neuropathy, abnormal and decreased sensation, When combined with damaged blood vessels lead to diabetic foot ulcers.
·    Diabetic retinopathy, growth of friable and poor-quality new blood vessels in the retina .
·         Coronary artery disease, leading to heart attack
·         Diabetic myonecrosis causing muscle wasting
·    Peripheral vascular disease, which contributes to exertion-related leg and foot pain
·         Stroke
·       Diabetic encephalopathy - is the increased cognitive decline and risk of dementia, Alzheimer's
·         Risk of  infertility,
·         chronic low-grade tissue inflammation in lungs

                                                                                   Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes:

Ayurveda describes diabetes as one among the maharoga (major disease), and can be correlated to prameha. It causes imbalance in all the three Doshas, affects most parts of the body and every cell of the human physiology leading to the depletion of Ojus which can be co-related to diabetic complications
Ojus, is the essence of life, an extract of the seven dhathus {Body tissues} represented as bala {strength }of the body.
Ayurveda decribes 20 types of Prameha, depending on the predominace of Dosha.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes:
In general Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus are considered as Vataja Prameha and treated with Bhrimhana therapies which increases dhathus in the body
In Type 2 Diabetes, who are generally obese with optimal body strength having intense increase of doshas, Shodhana - Panchakarma is advocated. This is dependent on dosha predominance {Kaphaja are adviced to have Vamana – induced emeses, Pittaja are advised to have  Virechana induced purgation.}
Generally swedana - Sudation is contra indicated in Prameha
Raktamokshana is advocated in non healing diabetic ulcers. 


External Therapies : Abhyanga, Takra Dhara, Udwathana, Kashaya seka, SSPS
These external therapies are very good in conditions of diabetic neuropathy.
Internal medications: Shilajith, is one of the best Rasayana in prameha treatment protocol.


·   The role of Vihara is equally or even more important in diabetes to control blood sugar level as well as to prevent complications of this disease, so specific asanas, pranayama, meditation, walking, swimming is advised.
·   Day sleep is generally to be avoided.

Diet and Lifestyle:

Specific to the individual’s constitution, type of Prameha, nature of work and geographical conditions.