Ayurveda treatment for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder occuring when the thyroid becomes damaged of inflamed, making it unable to produce enough of the hormone thyroxine. 
Hypothyroidism is more common in the elderly and mostly common in women than men. The chances of developing hypothyroidism increases as you age.

Classification of Hypothyroidism:

  · Primary hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland itself is diseased
· Secondary hypothyroidism is caused by problems with the pituitary gland


· Hashimoto's disease - is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the thyroid to become inflamed and unable to produce enough thyroid hormones.
·    Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
·   Thyroiditis during and after pregnancy
·  Radiation therapy for head and neck disease
·  Certain medications   such as sulfonamides, lithium, amiodarone, can interfere with the thyroid's ability to produce hormones
·  Pituitary gland problems


·         Inability to concentrate
·         Puffy face
·         Hoarseness of voice
·         Slow pulse
·         Decreased immune functioning
·         Abnormal cholesterol levels
·         Irritability
·         Sensitivity to cold
·         drooping and swollen eyes
·         Depression
·         Hair loss
·         fatigue
·         weight gain
·         headaches
·         Dry skin
·         Mental impairment
·         Increase in allergic reaction
·         Premenstrual tension
·         Muscular pain  

Ayurveda treatment for Hypothyroidism:

Ayurveda approach to treatment of disease is highly individualized. According to Ayurveda the thyroid function is controlled by Pitta dosha. Pitta / Agni – The fire is responsible for all of the metabolic actions carried out by the thyroid hormones. In Hypothyroidism Pitta dosha is covered by Kapha Dosha which diminishes the cellular metabolism. Treatment principle is aimed to remove coating of Kapha dosha thus enabling Pitta to perform its function normally.

Ayurveda treatment for Hypothyroidism removes the kapha covering the pitta which enables proper functioning of Agni – correcting digestion and metabolism.
Treatments - The treatment modalities includes panchakarma, external therapies, internal medications, Activities, Advice of food and life style changes.
Panchakarma –  Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya
Externally – Udwarthana, Shiro dhara, Kashaya Seka, PPS
Internally – Deepana (Appetisers)
Pachana – (Digestives)


Specific Asanas , Panayamas, meditation, regular exercises. 
· Intake of water preferably warm water and food which helps digestion
· Improved intake of fresh vegetables and iodine rich foods such as fish, shell fish, white onions.
· Timely regular wholesome meals in a conducible non disturbing atmosphere.

Lifestyle changes:  specific to the individuals constitution, nature of work and geographical conditions.