Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

According to World Health Organization (WHO), global estimates of infertility ranges between 8 and 12% of couples with women of childbearing age, affecting between 50 and 80 million people. 

Infertility can simply be defined as the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. It can also be defined as the inability to conceive after a long period (at least 12 months) of unprotected intercourse.

 Types of Infertility:

·         Primary infertility-refers to couples who aren't pregnant after at least 12 months of unprotected intercourse.
·         Secondary infertility- refers to couples that have been pregnant at least for once, but aren't able to get pregnant later.


Elderly group, clotting disorders, accumulated toxins, nervous system imbalances,  obesity, smoking, autoimmune disorders such as antiphospholipid syndrome , thyroid disease, eating disorders, excessive exercise, growths in the uterus / cervix,  use of certain drugs, infection, environmental pollutants, cancer , birth defects.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility:

"Fertility depends on nature's rasa; a fruitfulness, sweetness, wetness, happiness. When these rasas are depleted, sterility, dryness, loneliness, and isolation are bound to set in. The rishis predicted that the increase of fear in modern culture would result in the decline of the earth's fertility."- maya Tiwari, "Women's power to Heal"
Ayurveda is a wellness science. The branch of Ayurveda that deals with infertility is known as Vajeekarana. Ayurveda terms infertility as the failure to achieve conception of a couple of mature age, having normal coitus, during the appropriate period of menstrual cycle regularly for at least a year. In ayurveda, conception takes place due to a healthy sperm, healthy ovum, and a healthy uterus. Thus, a defect in either the egg or sperm, or any part of the male or female reproductive organs, could possible make conception difficult. According to ayurveda, the reproductive health for both men and women depends on the health of the Shukra Dhathu. Once the Shukra Dhathu is affected, the ojas (finest product of digestion that gives energy, happiness, contentment) becomes slow.

Types of fertility:

·         Vandhya- absolute sterility
·         Apraja-curable infertility
·         Sapraja-secondary infertility


· Overindulgence in sexual activities may lead to Shukra Kshaya. It may also lead to klebya (impotency)
· Poor nutrition 
· Sluggish digestion
· Having sex by compulsion with someone who you don't like
· Abnormalities in kshetra, ambu, sadbhavas, vayu and rutu – Ayurveda concept of getation
· Eating spicy, salty foods increase pitta, which thus destroys, weakens, and restricts the formation of Shukra Dhathu
· Infected reproductive tissue
· Controlling sexual urges for a long duration could lead to Veeryaavarodha( obstruction of semen). This could lead to decreased libido.

Line of treatment:  

·         Correcting the digestive system Detoxification
·         Stress management,
·         Proper nutrition, strengthening the system
The treatment modalities includes panchakarma, external therapies, internal medications, Activities, Advice of food and life style changes.
Panchakarma – Virechana, Basti, Nasya
Externally – Abhyanga
Shiro Dhara
Internally – Shatavari (Asparagus recemosus) is considered as the best herb for female.
Shilajit (asphaltum), Musali  (Asparagus Adscendens ) Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens), Aswagandha (Withania Somnifera)  are best for males


Specific Asanas, Panayamas, Bandhas, Mudras


Timely regular wholesome meals in a conducible non disturbing atmosphere
Lifestyle changes:  specific to the individual’s constitution, nature of work and geographical conditions.